Friday, January 16, 2015

True Canadian

Hello Everyone! I hope that you all had an amazing Christmas and that you were able to feel the joy of the Christmas season! I hope that you were all able to remember the Savior and His birth. I became a true Canadian; I made a snow angle on Parliament Hill and had a beaver tail! ​I also  hope that you were able to ring in the New Year with happiness and health! We had such a great week this week! We have a new investigator! Her name is Myrlandy and she is Haitian and she is so ready for the gospel in her life! She has a son who is a member and she had met with missionaries before but she stopped and she said that she felt that she needed to meet with missionaries again. Heavenly Father is so aware of His children and their needs, she was a referral from the Chapel Hill sisters. We had decided to pass by her on Friday night and when we knocked on the door she was so happy and we met with her on Saturday as well and she was like I was so depressed last night and then you came and I felt so good afterwards! AWW! I love the power of the Spirit! It is so amazing to see Him work in peoples lives and touch their hearts!This week I have really come to appreciate how blessed we are to be able to take the Sacrament and to renew our convents with the Lord. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so amazing! The work is going so well here! 

Yesterday Caeri and Patrick and Xander had their baptismal interview and they passed!!! They are getting baptized on Sunday! They are so excited and it has been such a blessing to have been able to teach them and to help them! Being a missionary is so amazing! This week we had an amazing lesson with Shirley one of our investigators we taught her the Word of Wisdom and we were able to get the former stake president to come with us last minute and it was so great! The Spirit was so strong in that lesson! We went on exchanges on Tuesday and i had a good time with sister Olsen and I learned a lot form her. I finished reading Jesus the Christ! Life is just so amazing when you are teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ every day!  Sorry this email is so short I dont have a ton of time! 

Love Sister Gonzalez 

Funny Moments this week: 
At Caeri and Patrick"s: We are playing the game of life with them and then Xander ( Caeri's 8 year old son) fell off the couch and when he fell his pants came with him so he mooned us! hahah! 

Patrick: Xander has Nanna syndrome ( Meaning that he was like his grandma)  
Me: Banana syndrome? whats Banana syndrome 
Caeri: Its when you wear your clothes to much that you have to  peel them off 

Talking about the difference between the U.S. and Canada ( Caeri is originally from the U.S.) 
Caeri: They call doughnut holes timbits 
Patrick: whats a doughnut hole?
Caeri: Its a timbit dear.