Sunday, August 17, 2014


This week was such a good week! We have a new investigator! His name is Johnny! We had met him at a member's home when we accidentally crashed her Canada Day party! Hahaha! We had been trying to get in contact with him for a month and we finally had a lesson with him and it went so well! He accepted the Book of Mormon and said that he would read it! He also had a 13 year old daughter that he wants involved! So that was so amazing! We were passing by a less active member that we haven't seen for a month and her daughter answered the door and she was having a bible study with the Jehovah's witnesses and we crashed their study hahaha! We stayed and talked to the Jehovahs a bit and then her kids stared to cry and she had a friend over and her kids were crying too so the Jehovahs left. We don't mind crying children, though, so we took the opportunity to stay and talk with them and we might have a potential for her friend!  They also noticed that the Jehovahs didn't pray when they left and that they never pray with them and I thought that that was cool that they were able to see a difference between us and the Jehovahs. We had some really great lessons this week! I gave the training this week in district meeting! We have a new Elder in our district and he is from Guatemala and Texas so that is really cool he is really funny! I love our district it is so awesome!

We had to go to Montreal to go get our car fixed and we had to be there at 8 am on Friday so we had a sleep over with the sister training leaders; that was fun! It was also cool being back at a dealer ;) but that just killed us with our kliks! We had a crazy weekend so we are short on our kliks this month so we were trying to use them wisely and then we are trying to go do service at the less active members house and we cant find it and we get super lost and we waste a ton of kliks and I had left our phone at home and so we go back to get the phone and cancel and I am feeling really sick like my stomach hurts and my head hurts and I just feel really bad so we stay in for a bit so I can take a nap and feel better. So later on that night we catch a bus to go visit a less active member and so we catch her just as she is leaving so we talk to her for a few minutes and then we go back to get on the bus because it will take forever to get back home using the bus. So then we are walking back to the bus stop and this guy form his open window starts talking to us and like hitting on us it was really funny and we just keep on walking. So while we are waiting at the bus stop this lady who is totally drunk asks us if we have a light we tell her no and she leaves and then she come back and asks if she can borrow our phone so we let her make a call and then the person she trying to call doesn't answer. So she asks us if we have an extra bus ticket we tell her we don't so she leaves and then we see our bus so we go get on it and this guy gets on it as well. So this guy comes and sits down next to sister Heninger and he gives her his number and was like you look like someone I could engage in conversation with! Then he got off the bus. So we are going to call him and engage in conversation about Jesus Christ! Sunday was a good day I love going to Church and being with our members!
This week was so good! The Lord has been really blessing us here in Cornwall! 
Love, Sister Gonzalez